Oct '23 (edited) in Announcements
Where are you at in your cold email journey?
Yesterday, we shared the step-by-step process to get you started with cold email.
Here's it is again:
  1. Sign up for ListKit.io
  2. Learn how to craft a perfect ideal customer profile, and turn it into a search on ListKit
  3. Extract tens of thousands of emails from your ICP in just 10 minutes using ListKit
  4. Sign up for our preferred sending tool, Smartlead (watch this to see how to directly connect your SmartLead account to your ListKit account)
  5. Set up email inboxes w/ maximum deliverability following this SOP
  6. Send a minimum of 5,000 leads per month in your campaigns (it's simple, the more emails you send, the more calls you book and the more calls you book, the more clients you sign)
  7. When you need more leads, go into the Order History tab in ListKit and click on a previous order, then click the "Re-order" button to get more leads from the same search criteria
  8. Overtime, you will need to branch out to new Ideal Customer Profiles (go back to Step 2)
If you do all of these steps, you will start getting dozens of calls booked, and signing dozens of clients from cold email.
And I can say that confidently because we are actively working with over 400 business owners on both a consulting & done-for-you basis for cold email.
We are sending upwards of 150,000 cold emails per month to grow ListKit, USING ListKit.
As a result, in just the past week, we've booked 25 demos for ListKit using cold email...
So tell me, which step of the process are you on? And what questions do you have?
Reply to this post letting me know so we can help you get results!
Happy prospecting,
P.S. Stay tuned for a major product update next week! 🚀
Andre Haykal Jr
Where are you at in your cold email journey?
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