Jul 27 (edited) in 🥳 Success
Still struggling with Lead Gen? READ THIS
Yesterday out of the blue, a new client called me.
He was raving about how much he loved my videos. He loved my personality and wanted me to help him sell and buy his next home.
After I got off the phone with him, I had a realization...
I take it for granted that I get calls like this every week now.
Because it wasn’t always this way. Just a few years ago, I was struggling and felt hopeless. I HATED what I was doing.
3 years ago, after blood sweat and tears (literally) I finished renovating my first home.
Then I sold it, and was able to quit my soul-sucking accounting job.
I wanted to make the big bucks, so I got my real estate license!
I would sit at the office, with my realtor badge on, and wait for the phone to ring.
But it never did.
So I did what most new agents do…I held open houses.
And no one showed up. Or worse, people WOULD show up and get my hopes up, only to leave me empty handed.
Then I tried cold-calling. I spent hundreds of dollars on data lists each month. I called FSBO’s, expireds, and landlords. I got cursed at. Insulted. Threatened.
After a year of cold calling angry people with no results, I reached the end of my rope. I got depressed and gained 30 lbs. And I was quickly running out of money.
“Real estate’s not for me”, I thought. “Maybe I should go find a job because this isn’t working”…
Until I stumbled on the idea of making YouTube videos for real estate.
But I didn’t know how to make videos! And I didn’t particularly like how I looked OR sounded on camera. The thought made me cringe.
But the possibility that buyers and sellers could actually be calling ME, felt too good to pass up. So I had to give it one last try.
I posted my first video on YouTube and got a measly 30 views. Then I posted another, and another and another. The views grew, the phone rang.
Every week, new clients were reaching out to me.
“I love your videos! I can’t believe I’m actually talking to you!” they’d say.
A couple months later I had my first commission check of $15k. Then another check for $7k, $13k… and so on.
I got better at making videos and now it only takes around 5 hours a week. My channel is growing, and future clients are watching my videos- while I sleep!
So far, I’ve made $40k and have another pending $40k in GCI. And more people are calling me. Every, single, day.
They say definition of Insanity is “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
So if you’re not getting leads, try something else!
And have faith that you will eventually succeed.
If you need help, feel free to message me! 😊
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Kristyn Garcia
Still struggling with Lead Gen? READ THIS
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