Improve your mental health = get hotter 😈
Stress causes epigenetic changes that affect skin, hair, nails, and much more.
Mental stress causes your skin to produce more oil, potentially causing acne breakouts.
Psychological stress breaks down the collagen and elastin in your skin (which keeps skin elastic so it bounces back) - and also interferes with collagen and elastin production.
Learn more about how stress can affect beauty:
“Chronic psychological stress is associated with accelerated aging and increased risk for aging-related diseases.” Zannas, 2015, Genome Biology
“Epigenetics as a key link between psychosocial stress and aging: concepts, evidence, mechanisms” Zannas, 2019, Dialogues In Clinical Neuroscience
“Brain-Skin Connection: Stress, Inflammation and Skin Aging”, Chen et al. 2014
“Skin Epigenetics”, Andersen, 2022