If I Were At 0 - I Would Do This - Hormozi
8 Ways People Are Making Money on Skool (so far)
We wanted there to be fewer guard rails around how people use Skool. That way, more people would be creative on how they made money. And we haven't been disappointed! Here's a short list of the ones people are using:
1) "Swap to Save" Paid to Paid. People coming over form Discord or Patreon communities and instantly recapturing 20% of their revenue + getting all the insane engagement Skool offers. Pretty simple. Put 20% of your topline from customers you bring the platform back into your pocket.
2) "Free only". Simply swapping from other social media groups to Skool often makes people more money because all your posts reach your customers, your competitors aren't running ads to your groups, and the gamification Skool offers allows you more ways to encourage your community to engage. People are reviving formerly dead communities in a matter of days/weeks. You make your money from the customers buying other stuff from you like physical products, services, etc.
3) "Free THEN Paid". You start your group free. Seed it with awesome people. Heavily vet the first few members to make sure the '10 true regulars' embody what you want he group to be about. Then, once you have enough momentum, switch the group over to paid. All free people stay grandfathered (which is an awesome way to incentivize people to come early. aka - "i'll be charging for this soon but you get lifetime free. get in now while you can.")
4) "Free AND Paid". You start two communities. One free and one paid. Paid group is for beginners. People try with low risk. Then, if they like what you have, they move up to the advanced (paid) group. TONS of
5) "Influencer Partners" into paid. You partner with an influencer who doesn't have a community. You manage it. They send the traffic. You negotiate a split. They get more money. You get more money without having to market. A great work split. As an aside - an AWESOME way to make life changing amounts of money if you can find the right influencer. You can also do this for more than one. Create a portfolio of communities.
6) "Outside Experts" into paid. You start a community NOT being an expert, but just invite people who are into what you're into. Then, you let the community come to life. Then you bring experts in who can bring value to that community. The expert gets distribution to their message. They get recorded content and edification. Your community gets value. You get credit for bringing everyone together.
7) "Zero to hero" into paid. Without being an expert, you just document your own journey doing anything in depth. This gives you added motivation to stay consistent. People pay to watch you do it or join along with you. They can follow whatever you do, or, just get the voyeur experience. Both have value to different people. You can choose to spend a portion of the money on stuff that benefits the whole community. Or, on things like equipment that they get to enjoy vicariously through you.
8) "Curate" into paid. Without being an expert, you assemble the best free resources on the internet around a specific topic. Your main benefit that you sell: TIME. Everything is available, already, for free on the internet. But - people don't have the time to sift through it. So, you do the work of sifting through it and putting it all in one place. Think value per second of consumption. At the end of the day, thats all anyone cares about. And you still get the credit for making it happen without being an expert but leaning on those who are.
Not being an expert or having an audience is no longer an excuse to not make money on the internet.
Keep crushing, (and read the "PS")
PS - if you're using one of these, comment which one below.
PPS - if you're using a different model, say so below.
We want to make the number of ways people win on Skool to be as diverse as the people using it.
Jeff Cunningham
If I Were At 0 - I Would Do This - Hormozi
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