Kingdom Woman Accelerator
Private group
16 members
$10 /month
An exclusive community for women glowing up their lives and learning the keys to becoming who God has created them to be.
Inside, you will receive training on how to:
  1. Build a Kingdom business from the comfort of your home that gives you time, location and financial freedom
  2. Walk in your godly femininity and strengthen your identity as a daughter of God
  3. Attract a Kingdom man that adores you 
  4. Create a healthy “that Christian girl” lifestyle and self improvement plan
  5. Build life-long friendships with sisters in Christ
Along with the training sessions above, our weekly calls, Bible studies, prayers and daily fellowships are exactly what you need as a woman becoming all that God has called you to be!
See you inside, woman of God <3
Kingdom Woman Accelerator
The exclusive community for women glowing up with God
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