"There's No Competition in the Kingdom"?
Do you say this?
Have you heard this said by others?
Have you thought about what this actually means?
I've been thinking about it lately and am feeling really convicted that we need to recognize that God absolutely gives each one of us specific roles in the Kingdom and we do not in any way, shape or form need to fight for position, recognition or support when we are following Holy Spirit's lead.
AND I believe we need to steward well the roles, rights and responsibilities He has given us.
We need to act in integrity with the way He is leading us and we need to understand how to set and hold Godly boundaries so that what we are stewarding is increased and not stolen.
When we have put those boundaries in place, it is time to trust God with the results.
Seek counsel from others when we are feeling attacked by the enemy...
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
Ephesians 6:12 TPT
Your Presence is my Weapon - Natalie Grant
Lisa Vanderveen
"There's No Competition in the Kingdom"?
Kingdom Culture Revolution
Equipping & activating believers to establish heavenly solutions, empowering them to fulfill their purpose with clarity, confidence, and conviction.
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