Replace Stubbornness with Transformation 
Stubbornness is something that I have had to address over and over... and over again!
It was a REALLY stubborn part of me and I'm excited that it no longer comes up often as I do my work and I love the opportunities the Lord gives me to do a heart check on this every now and again!
As I read through this declaration, prayer and Scripture, I am delighted at how calm my body feels - I always add a little tapping exercise as I speak my declarations aloud and pay attention to the way my body responds as I speak & tap:
Do I feel any tension in my body? Where?
Are my butterflies peacefully fluttering or are they on a mad scramble to escape what they cannot escape??
Butterflies are my telltale sign that there is mindset work I need to dig into around a particular declaration!
How do you know whether you have mindset work to do around the truths that Holy Spirit highlights for you as you spend time in His Word?
Declaration to Embrace Transformation:
I am transformed by God’s holiness, aligning my life with His perfect will and purpose.
🕊 Prayer 🕊
Lord, I ask You to remove any lingering stubbornness that hinders my transformation.
Pour out Your holiness into my heart and mind, guiding me to live in complete alignment with Your will.
Show me how to fully embrace Your transformative work and reflect Your character in every area of my life.
In Jesus' Precious Name,
Scripture Inspiration ~ 1 Peter 1:14-15 (TPT)
As obedient children, never again shape your lives by the cravings you followed in your ignorance.
But be holy in every aspect of your life, just as the One who called you is holy.
Lisa Vanderveen
Replace Stubbornness with Transformation 
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