Replace Repressed Memories with Freedom
Repressed Memories are deceiving.
Your subconscious believes that by tucking these memories deep down inside they will no longer haunt you.
Did you know that it's your subconscious' job to protect you?
This memory repression is not done with any understanding of the consequences and for a while, you may feel a lot better... not being reminded of the pain of the past *feels* better than constantly being reminded and potentially sidelined by that pain.
But at some point, those memories WILL cause issues - they may not be conscious issues and you may not even recognize the connection between what you're experiencing today and particular memories from the past, but those memories will not stay tucked away forever.
Your body will be triggered on anniversaries whether or not you consciously remember what happened.
You may be extra weepy, cranky or quick to snap at your loved ones and have NO idea what is going on.
Unless you get intentional about asking the Lord to address your repressed memories.
He wants to heal the broken hearted and when we choose to partner with Him, our healing brings POWERFUL changes to the world - it's impossible for us to not create beautiful things when we walk in freedom!!
Are you ready?
Let me know in the comments if you embrace this declaration & prayer!!
Declare: I am set free by the truth of Christ, who breaks every chain of repressed memories and brings me into His perfect freedom.
🕊 Prayer 🕊
Lord, I ask You to break the chains of repressed memories that have held me captive.
Pour Your truth into my heart, setting me free from the past and releasing me into the fullness of Your freedom.
Show me what it looks like to live without the weight of hidden pain, walking in the freedom You died to give me.
In Jesus' Precious, Powerful Name,
Scripture Inspiration ~ John 8:32 (TPT) For if you embrace the truth, it will release true freedom into your lives.
Lisa Vanderveen
Replace Repressed Memories with Freedom
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