Replace Dissociation with Integration
Dissociation - it’s a simple word with profound ramifications.
Some of us throw around the symptoms of dissociation like they mean nothing…
  • I checked out when he said that…
  • I was DONE when she did this…
  • I’m driving home from cuz and completely spaced out - can’t even remember how I got home!
Very common occurrences with potential BIG ramifications - when we’re triggered to dissociate from people or situations, there’s a root wound that’s lingering from the past…
It’s too deep to go into in a simple little post, but pay attention to those times you zone out and ask Holy Spirit - what is the real reason I’m zoning out from my life right now?
And spend time declaring this truth, praying for integration and seeking to fully engage with the world and His people around you!!
To Embrace Integration
I am fully integrated in God’s reality, experiencing a seamless connection between my soul, spirit, and surroundings.
🕊 Prayer 🕊
Lord, I ask You to heal the dissociation that has caused separation in my soul.
Fill me with Your integration, uniting every part of me in Your reality and purpose.
Show me how to live fully engaged and connected, embracing Your complete wholeness.
In Jesus’ Precious Name,
Scripture Inspiration ~ Isaiah 61:1 (CJB):
The Spirit of Adonai ELOHIM is upon me, because Adonai has anointed me to bring good news to the humble; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and liberation for those in prison.
Want to learn more about Dissociation and how to reduce any reluctance in your body as you declare this Scripture is personally true for you?
Join my free Unshakeable Trust Community on Telegram and download these 12 Scripture Declarations with instructions today!
Then check out the Workshop and Trainings tab for a teaching I’m going to do right now about Dissociation and how the Lord has me addressing 1) Vanishing Twin syndrome
2) pain from my teenage years
3) pain from the 1st 8 weeks after my second child was born and
4) my marketing message right now
It’s ALL connected!
Lisa Vanderveen
Replace Dissociation with Integration
Kingdom Culture Revolution
Equipping & activating believers to establish heavenly solutions, empowering them to fulfill their purpose with clarity, confidence, and conviction.
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