What Counts as a Word?
Ever wondered what counts as a "word" when it comes to your child’s speech?
It's a question many parents have, especially as they eagerly listen for those first precious words from their little ones.
What Really Counts as a Word?
In early speech and language development, a "word" is more than just perfect pronunciation. It’s any sound or sign your child uses…
👉 Consistently (more than once)
👉 Independently (on their own)
👉 Intentionally (on purpose)
…to communicate.
This includes:
  • Word Approximations: Like saying "ba" for "ball." It’s normal for young children to start with parts of words.
  • Animal Sounds: Sounds like “moo” or “woof” aren’t just cute; they’re real attempts at communication!
  • Sound Effects: Expressions like “beep beep” for a car or “choo choo” for a train—these count as words too.
  • Exclamatory Words: Shouts of “boo!” or “weee!” show your toddler using language.
  • Sign Language: Signs like “more” or “all done” are powerful forms of communication.
  • AAC Devices: Using a device to press “play” or “eat” is another way your child communicates with words.
Why This Matters
Recognizing these types of communication can change how you view your child’s progress. Every time your child uses one of these words, it’s a stepping stone in their language journey—a chance to support and encourage them as they grow.
I’m here to support you and your little learner every step of the way. If you have questions or need more tips, feel free to reach out. Let’s make every word count!
What type of word does your child use most?
Word Approximations
Animal Sounds
Sound Effects
Exclamatory Words
Sign Language
AAC Devices
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Eli Lowham
What Counts as a Word?
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