Here's the thing: I am not your typical programmer.
I actually work in a restaurant. I come from outside the tech world, but I have just been fascinated by it. Over the last 10 years, I have worked on it in the mornings, and late at night. I've toiled and toiled, and I'm
here to tell you:
I mostly sucked. Yep, like, not good at all. But no shit, I work in a restaurant haha.
Yep, sucked! I made stupid mistakes, took shortcuts, and in general failed to focus on what was difficult/assumed I knew more than I did.
But here's the important thing: I did all of those things like EVERYONE does.
I'm here to cut your time in 1/2, and then cut it again. If you want to learn, I can help you. Not tomorrow, not when you have time, but today, with small, dedicated steps towards the life you want.
This group is different. I am currently working on the "Start Here" Course. In that course (which is FREE) we deal with the main roadblock in starting your journey: your mind. Everyone has sky high dreams "I want to be a programmer" "I want to work from home" "I want to make more money"
The trick is the really drill down from the abstract to the specific. I want to be a programmer BECAUSE I work in a deadbeat job, and I want to work in one of the fastest growing sectors in the economy, in a field that is virtually guaranteed to keep me employed for the long term, where the average salary TO START is around 130,000 to 140,000 per year. [Notice the reasons, the actual numbers, the dream for the future!]
I want to work from home SO THAT I can spend 2 more hours per day with my wife and my son/daughter. So that I can cook my meals and achieve my health goals. So that I can reclaim the hour I spend in traffic every day.
I want to make an additional 30,000 (or 60,000, or what ever number it may be for you) So I can take the two week vacation to Florida I always promised my wife/husband. Or so that I can finally start saving for my son/daughters college. Or so that I can finally dine out once a week. Or, shit, so I can order dessert when I go out.
Paint the picture of your personal truly rich and rewarding life. Provide yourself with concrete hope for the future. You can do this, thousands of people, ordinary people just like you have done this.
"Do not think that what is hard for you to master is humanly impossible; and if it is humanly possible, consider it to be within your reach." -Marcus Aurelius
There are an infinite number of free resources out there to help you achieve the goal of being a programmer. Also, thousands and thousands of people say they want to do it, but no one does...It is kind of like how things work in the fitness world. There are endless opportunities for fitness and getting in shape. In fact, it's the most simple formula in the world: Eat less and more. That's it.
People that attain success and maintain it are often the people that pay for the nutrition plan, who invest in the fitness coach, who put some skin in the game and sign up the gym, and say "Well, I might as well use the membership now..."
Social commitment, putting a small amount of skin in the game, giving yourself some stakes, that is what this group is about.
Difficulty with beginning to learn programming is not a math problem. It is also not a learning problem. Math problems and learning problems can be solved with math and learning tricks. If you have the capability to read English, you've learned a skill (speaking English) infinitely more difficult to learn that programming. No, difficulty in beginning to learn programming is a psychological issue, and starting there is how we will proceed. The block, the "I can't do this, it's too hard," yeah, that's the little gremlin in you head. The "I'm not good enough to do this." We can beat that.
Don't worry, we will cover the math problems. The coding problems. The strategies to learn. What to download, what resources work, how to get plugged in to a community. All of those answers are out there, and we will tackle them together.
The biggest impediment to learning is yourself. I know it's true because it is true for me. I struggled, for years, and made no progress. I do not want you to struggle in the same way. Let me help you.
Together, we got this.
-Andrew Roy
Andrew Roy
Keep You on Track
The group you were looking for, to start learning how to program.
You CAN do this. Your new job, your new life, starts here, today, NOW.
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