EXCITED to be Building my Dementia-Care Community on SKOOL!
Hello Friends & Fellow Caregivers! 😊
I am in the midst of transitioning my Online Dementia Education platform from Thinkiffic to SKOOL!
I am EXCITIED to grow this COMMUNITY here on Skool.
The platform is easier to navigate & I'll be able to offer both Free & Paid options for those seeking Dementia caregiving support & education.
If You've landed here. Take a moment to JOIN the Keep In Mind, Inc. Community.
And click the description (in the poll below) that best describes Your reason for being here
How to navigate the early stages of cognitive decline with my loved one
I'm a paid professional in eldercare trying to elevate my expertise
I'm a spouse/partner just trying to survive as I watch my spouse/partner struggle
I'm an adult child, balancing care & my career responsibilities seeking supportive info.
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Ellen Belk
EXCITED to be Building my Dementia-Care Community on SKOOL!
Keep In Mind Inc.
Committed to elevating the Global Dementia IQ.
Serving families, professionals or anyone seeking supportive Dementia education from a trusted expert.
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