Hey everyone!
Just want to say a very warm welcome to everyone who's joining during this launch phase!
Firstly, you guys are awesome!
You taking the step to join this community means:
  • You value yourself
  • You want to grow
  • You want to change
  • You have a goal that you want to accomplish
Pat yourself on the back, you're already 99% of the average!!!!馃グ
Now, I've noticed many of you want more income. Want more money. Have a financial goal.
I want to take you through a process that I've discovered to be truly powerful.
You see, money can be earned MANY ways. There is a science to success. The process isn't that hard.
  1. Find a product, either digital, service, or physical.
  2. Buy it at the cheapest price possible or trade your time for the service
  3. Sell it a higher price
  4. Knock on doors, sell to your friends and family, use paid ads, or just cold dms on social media until you make your first sale.
  5. Repeat the process as many times as you want
There's no shortage of strategy and How-to's lying around.
So why is it that despite all the HOW-TOs, people are still not financially happy? Or why is everyone not successful?
Money ultimately is an energy exchange. You have to do something to get something.
You can only reap if you pay the price to sow.
So the governing factor between those who GET it and DON'T is their willingness to put in the work.
Literally, HOW HARD are you willing to work to get IT - whatever that IT means to you. Some of you might just be an extra $1000 a month, some might be a mere $100 a month.
The higher value, the more you have to trade - in terms of time, energy, sleepless nights, etc.
Impact Academy didn't come from nothing, I put in the time, money, and energy to invest in this.
I traded my sleep, I traded my early mornings, I even traded weekends to work on this.
If money was the only goal, theres so many other things that one could take.
Therefore, the exercise that I want you to go through is the 7-Why's deep exercise.
The # that you want to make per month, per year.
WHY is that important for you?
Complete the below exercise on your own time.
I challenge all of you to go deep.
Why? Because if your why you want that money is clear and has something that truly aligns with your heart. You will hate the money you earn.
If you hate the money you earn, you will not be able to keep it.
I don't want you guys to look back on life and realize that you've lost yourself in chasing money.
There are plenty examples of this in the world.
Go through the worksheet and share your answers with the community!
Alternatively, share your answer here in this google form :)
Jedi Trinupab Jiratritarn
School of Legends
A community built to create legends by equipping of the right mindset, tools, strategies, and peers needed for a lasting impact.
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