Hi guys many of you may not know me but my names Brad and I'm Arthurs Business partner. Me and Arthur met a few months ago when he saw me on a live with Simon Squibb pitching my business idea and he said after hearing my pitch he knew he had to message as our ideas were incredibly similar.
I'm the founder of Mindful Expeditions which is all about empowering healing and connecting people to nature and the outside world through travel exploration and adventure but also connecting people to their inner selves through mindfulness we aim to incorporate meditation, breathwork, cold water exposure and much more on to our expeditions and retreats. Creating a community that can all come together and help each other through shared interests and also struggles is at the heart of what we aim to achieve. Arthur is also an owner of Mindful Expeditions and through our two brands we aim to create something amazing together. With Mindful Expeditions being the adventure and retreat arm and JAM being the educational hub behind everything.
Mine and Arthurs reasons behind starting these are down to our own struggles with mental health and if we can help others and make positive changes to others lives through adventure, community and education then we've both done our job.
We're brothers in arms now and all you guys in this community are so important to helping us achieve what it is we want to achieve, we want to help you guys just as much as you want to help us.
Lets keep growing together and go global baby!
Bradley Harding
JAM Community
JAM Community is a wellbeing networking space where community members can showcase thir business & skillswap.
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