Dreams and the Fucketlist --> Build your dreams list
Hello Team!
Many of you may know already but for those that don't, I always wanted to have a dreamers university within the Just Another Moment (JAM) community. This is because the foundation of Just Another Moment was built on the goal to help people achieve their dreams.
If I could help people achieve their dreams, maybe I would be able to achieve mine one day.
My biggest goal is to walk to the south pole.
Now in the future, I want to have one title, not a CEO, not a founder, not a speaker, author or anything like that, I mean sure, it's cool. I simply want to be a Dreams Facilitator!
We do that here, we help people achieve their dreams.
The golden triangle of Just Another Moment is
Dream --> Share --> Inspire
Help people achieve their dreams, share their story of them achieving their dreams and their mental health experiences to inspire others to dream too.
Now, I have worked hard on delivering this program but then I realised, why overcomplicate things, there is already a framework in place which is actually how I build my Dreams list and that is the free Fucketlister Community!
Here, my friend J (Joonas) already have a free course on how to build your fucketlist, he already has a course on how to be accountable and stay consistent.
Go and join his community, it's free and you can learn a lot.
Once you have completed your fucketlist, you can share it in both this community and the fucketlist community and I would suggest trying to follow the Just Another Moment University framework.
100 dreams, 5 years to complete, 20 dreams per year, 10 dreams per semester, 2 big dreams, 2 medium dreams and 6 small dreams each semester!
Will you finish first?
If you want to watch my inspiration behind my goal to get to the south pole, you can watch the video here --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQnWPdRNrRY
Arthur Maddocks-Brown
Dreams and the Fucketlist --> Build your dreams list
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