How to calculate personal year and month using a person born on 5/16/2001
Personal year: Starts on your birthday NOT on Jan 1st. Your personal year gives you what you will experience and what you should be focusing on for the upcoming year. You calculate your personal year like this Your birth Month+ Birth Day + universal year (AFTER YOUR BIRTHDAY)
5/16/2024 = 5+1+6+2+2+4 = 20 = 11 energy This person is now in an 11 personal year
If your birthday did not happen in 2024 yet then you would calculate your birthday with 2023 as the universal year.
Example today is 05/28/2024 so if I was Born 08/04 then to calculate the personal year it would be
8+4+2+2+3 = 19 = 1+9 = 10 = 1+0 = 1 Personal Year
Then AFTER this person’s birthday in 2024 they will be in an 11 Personal year and it would look like this
8+4+2+2+4 = 20 = 11 energy