Jade Calisthenics
Private group
9.9k members
$1 /month
When you enter, you'll get access to a community of like-minded people, and all the resources you need to build strength and muscle using calisthenics as a complete beginner in 2024.
  • No Experience Required
  • Minimal Equipment
What You'll Get Inside:
āœ… Complete Calisthenics Foundations Course
āœ… Beginner and Intermediate Workout Plans
āœ… 30 Day Workout Guide
āœ… Awesome Community
šŸ”„ Bonus: Get answers to any questions you have along the way!
šŸ”„ Bonus: Exclusive Giveaways!
Other coaches are literally charging $50-100 for access to a community like this.
You get everything for $1!
Ready to Build Muscle and Gain Strength? Join Now šŸ‘‰
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Jade Calisthenics
Private group
Learn how to build strength and muscle using calisthenics šŸ’Ŗ
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