This Weeks Journey 4-14-24
Hey InvestCEO fam! Hope you're ready for a great week ahead.
Here's a list of everything we're going to tackle together this week:
For my InvestCEO free course crew:
  • We'll be putting out an additional training video on identify and simplifying Superman trade setups. Be on the lookout for that on Thursday! In the meantime, I'd check out the most recent live training on day trading examples pinned to your discussion feed.
For my "100 Days To Freedom Journey" family:
  • Monday afternoon will be LIVE DAY TRADING with me at 2pm est.
  • Monday evening will be our Pillar 3 workshop all on "Infinite Banking."
  • Tuesday and Thursday we'll have beginner "Padawan Trader" zoom sessions.
  • Wednesday at 7pm est will be Day Trading Q&A with me.
  • Saturday will be our normal weekend coffee chat.
Your intention for this week:
"Quantity of repetition will always beat speed of repetition over a long enough time horizon. If you want to succeed...put in the reps!"
Happy trading,
Kyle Henris
This Weeks Journey 4-14-24
InvestCEO with Kyle Henris
Day Trading helped me create my dream lifestyle. This group is dedicated to help you do the same by giving you the roadmap that helped get me here.
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