So the way it works is... You can trade Apex Tradovate accounts in Tradovate, Ninja Trader & TradingView.
You trade it in Tradovate directly in the application.
You trade it in Ninja Trader after setting up the Connection in Ninja Trader.
You trade it in TradingView after enabling the TradingView addon in Tradovate.
Now to use the Apex Copier... I connected my Tradovate accounts in Ninja Trader and enabled the TradingView addon in Tradovate. In Ninja Trader Apex Copier, I made one of my Tradovate accounts my Leader account, and the rest of my Tradovate accounts my Follower accounts. In TradingView, I trade my Leader account. Due to all the cool integration, this carries my Leader account trades into my Follower accounts while only trading in TradingView!