My student wanted a lambo... I said no - here's why
"I am looking forward to driving that Lamborghini. LOL"
After the recent success in monthly passive income, my student is on track to making $20K - $30K per month using the advanced monthly passive income strategy.
I told him, "You can totally afford a lambo a long time ago but it doesn't mean you would buy it.
A lambo lease price is around $3000 per month
With his portfolio of monthly passive income generating $20K-$30K per month, that means he can technically buy 10 lambos with the strategy alone.
Thus, it is not so much about the price of the lease but whether or not a lambo is a life priority for you.
If you MUST HAVE a lambo, then it is a matter of whether you think you have a big enough nest egg before you buy it.
A lot of people make money and they misspent it on luxurious items instead of investing"
Afterwards, he said, "I am just joking. If I am buying, I would be buying a nicer home instead"
And - that above is the RIGHT answer.
One more thing - the $20K - $30K per month is on top of his existing full-time as an executive along with his long term portfolio as well.
Quite cool, eh?
​Remember - it's important for you to become richer. But you also need to invest right to stay rich.
Eric Seto, CPA, CIM
In April, my goal is to help 20 people without a financial background to master investing
Investing Accelerator is designed for people without a financial background. Here's the link to the webinar:
We focus on developing financial independence, where you have the ability to invest to earn a higher return.
The goal is to achieve 30% return per year.
In the first phase, you will learn long term investing and targeting 30% for tax free compound growth. This will help accelerate your overall wealth.
In the second phase, you will learn monthly passive income to provide a more predictable cash flow (target 30% per year) which can cover your expenses such as mortgage, utilities, car payments. This will help accelerate your retirement goals.
If you are interested, then let's hop on a call to see if you can benefit from the strategies in Investing Accelerator and get 30% per year.
During the call, we will map out exactly how you can achieve 30%, what you are lacking, how you can improve.
Here’s the link to schedule a call:
Eric Seto
My student wanted a lambo... I said no - here's why
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