The Insurance Creators
Private group
58 members
Some Agents Understand The Power Of Social Media to Grow Their Agencies and Are Crushing It. Others Think It May Help Their Agency, But Haven't Made It A Priority, Yet.
In the Last 5 Years, I've written over 5,000 Items/$3.5M in Premium from Free, Inbound, Organic Sources Generated From Social Media
What Usually Holds Insurance Agents Back From Posting Content?
⏰ No Time
🤷🏽‍♂️ Don't Know Where to Start
🎥 Not Comfortable on Camera
🎨 Needs Guidance with Ideas/Content
Whether You're Just Getting Started
Or Looking To Take Things To The Next Level
The Insurance Creators Mastermind Can Help
What You’ll Get:
  • Bi-Weekly 60 Minutes Zoom Calls
  • Recordings Of Weekly Live Calls
  • Accountability & Community Coaching
  • Content Library: Access to Scripts, Trending Ideas, Videos, Hooks, Etc.
Imagine Having a Whole Team Helping You and Your Team in an Area That Nobody's Tapping Into
It’s Time To Stop Being a Consumer Of Content
And Time to Start Producing Your Own
See You On The Other Side!
The Insurance Creators
Private Community Mastermind for Members
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