Why It’s So Hard to Let Go of Limiting Beliefs, Despite Knowing Better
Ever wonder why those paralyzing doubts stick around, when they’re holding you back, and you already know better? It’s because, subconsciously they’ve been "protecting you" all along. This is how:
• Keeping You Safe from Risk and Failure: Believing something is impossible spares you the fear of trying and failing, preserving your self-esteem. It is what it is...
• Preserving Your "Comfort" Zone: These beliefs keep things familiar, protecting you from the discomfort of change and the unknown, even though deep inside they hurt
• Reducing Pressure and Responsibility: They provide a convenient escape from the weight of taking action and chasing big dreams.
• Offering FALSE Emotional Comfort: They help rationalize past setbacks, so you can avoid the pain of personal blame.
• Maintaining FALSE Social Harmony (with a price attached): They can keep you in sync with those around you who reinforce these limitations.
Can you identify with any of those?
If you can, the truth is, you can have it all, growth, success, and creative fulfillment, without that burden IF you crack your Inner Limitation Code, and release what you don’t need. This can happen FAST!
Anita Kozlowski
Why It’s So Hard to Let Go of Limiting Beliefs, Despite Knowing Better
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