Apr 23 (edited) in 🧠 Advice 🧠
The time for change.
You see for many years i believed and trust me i was totally convinced that time alone equated to more money and the faster you get stuff done, the faster you progress.
Now this might be true to an extent, but it is only half of the whole truth.
You see, I discovered that the longer you work and the harder you work AT speed the more money you move consistently and predictably.
I learned that the longer you keep at it and chip away piece by piece.. the better it gets.
I was at a casino in 2022 in vegas and i had $1,000 to play around with so i did what people do at a casino and i hit the roulette table. Guess what happened?
I won. Obviously.
But before i won i lost 7 times.
This takes me back to something my grandfather said to me once: You can only bet on red and hit the roulette table so many times before it lands on red. So why are you afraid of working hard?
You see, many of you suffer from a lack of delayed gratification and this needs to change, because someday and somewhere you will be free, we do not all get to win the lottery. We do not all pick up a shiny briefcase with a million dollars in it.
The way you get there is by working hard for long periods of time while constantly trying to improve and adapt and also by doing this diligently, but at complete lightning speed.
Stop fearing uncertainty and believe in yourself. If you crown yourself a winner and that is what you strive to be, that is what you shall become 👑
Comment the word “Roulette” and ill send you something special👇
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Enrico Vdw
The time for change.
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