Making Better Offers!
Giving people what they want when making an offer.
To find out what your ideal client actually wants you can go to public forms for that niche to read what they usually say or complain about. (examples include: reddit, Facebook groups etc.)
Questions/posts to look out for:
  • How can I…..
  • I’m struggling with…..
  • I’ve ran into a problem with…..
  • I don’t know how to……
This will allow you to position your offer as the solution to their pain points.
Your offer should resonate with your prospects.
You’re in the real estate niche, and your offer for real estate agents is: ”I’ll get you 30 booked appointments in 90 days or you don’t pay me.”
You always get hit with no, thanks I’m not interested etc. And that’s because your offer doesn’t resonate with them, that’s not what they’re looking for. Real estate agents want deals and not appointments. Now let's say you change it to what they actually want: “I’ll get you 3 deals in 90 days or you don’t have to pay me” Now they’re actually interested.
And of course, to keep yourself safe legally they have to at least close 10% of the appointments you book them, so essentially it's the same offer worded differently.
Oni S
Making Better Offers!
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