Infinite Q&A 🚀📈
We're hosting a Q&A to help answer any questions you have relating to client acquisition, fulfillment methods, scaling and anything else you have questions on that would help your business.
....think of it as a free coaching call 💪
The call will be hosted by us at 1PM CST On Thursday 7th March
We'll also be announcing something special on the call so make sure to come by 👀
(Pssst it's a chance for you to win over 50K in value 🔥🔥)
Here's the link for the call:
Let me know you're coming by telling me "I'm in" in the comments below this post!
Complete action
Massimo A.z
Infinite Q&A 🚀📈
Infinite Scale
We are on a mission to help 1000s of coaches, consultants and agency owners SCALE with our free course! Join and get learning!
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