Just Keep Taking Pictures 📸
How do pros take so many good photos? Well first off, a great photo is subjective. You decide what you like, and do that. If no one else but you likes the photo you took, it is a good photo. Second, you are not seeing all of the deleted photos that photographers don’t post or show others. There are even times when I get done taking photos, and I don’t like any of the ones I took.
The reality is… you just need to take more photos. If you don’t find any that you like, take more. If I can find one photo that I’m proud of out of all the ones I took in a day, I would call that a successful day. And here’s the thing, if I don’t get any “good” photos in a day or even a week, I still learn so many things (even if it’s what NOT to do🙃).
Like Dori would say,” Just keep shooting. Just keep shooting. Just keep shoot…” You know what I’m saying.
Eventually, you’ll get “That One Shot,” and you’ll think the entire journey was worth it 😊.
Happy shooting! 📱✨
Hudsen Doucette
Just Keep Taking Pictures 📸
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