Your Ideal Client
Who’s Your Ideal Client?
One of the keys to success is knowing exactly who you’re talking to. Think of it like Stephen King writing all his novels with his wife in mind. He didn’t care if millions read his books—he focused on just one person. You should do the same. Create a detailed picture of your perfect client.
What industry are they in?
What’s keeping them up at night?
When you know who you’re talking to, your marketing and messaging will hit home.
When the community knows who you serve, we can refer and introduce you to higher quality potential clients and referral partners!!
Let's Us Know Here 👇🏼
Suzanne Taylor-King
Your Ideal Client
Idea Lab for Entrepreneurs
Invite-only group w/ Suzanne Taylor-King, strategy, knowledge, networking, business growth, and building relationships with vetted professionals.
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