#9/18/24 - Jason Croft - Visibility for Coaches is up! Need access? DM me! His tips for visibility were worth sharing again! drops wisdom!!
Visible Leadership
The confidence to be seen and the strategies to make it happen.
It's not about "look at me". It's about "this is important" and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make sure as many people as possible can see it.
One of the major problems that becoming a Visible Leader solves is the problem of being seen in the marketplace as "like everyone else". A major problem for coaches and consultants is to be in this "sea of sameness". An answer to why that matters and why they should solve that problem is so that at a minimum they run their coaching practice like a business, and ideally turn their coaching practice into a business.
As a coach, your visibility is crucial for attracting clients and growing your business. This resource sheet provides strategies and tips to increase your online presence, particularly through video content, podcasts, and LinkedIn.
Top 10 Strategies for Increasing Your Online Visibility
  1. Leverage LinkedIn Video Content
  2. Host LinkedIn Live Sessions and Audio Events
  3. Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile
  4. Guest on Relevant Podcasts
  5. Repurpose Podcast Interviews into Video Snippets
  6. Start Your Own Podcast & Share via LinkedIn
  7. Create LinkedIn Newsletter Articles Around Podcast Themes
  8. Share Behind-the-Scenes Video Content
  9. Use LinkedIn Polls and Engage via Video Replies
  10. Collaborate on LinkedIn with Co-hosted Video or Podcast Episodes
Additional Benefits of Being a Visible Leader
  1. Increased Trust and Credibility: Regular, valuable content establishes you as a trusted expert in your field.
  2. Enhanced Brand Recognition: Consistent visibility helps your personal brand become more recognizable.
  3. Improved Client Attraction: Visibility makes it easier for potential clients to find and choose you.
  4. Networking Opportunities: Increased visibility often leads to more connections and collaboration opportunities.
  5. Thought Leadership: Regular content sharing positions you as a thought leader in your niche.
  6. Increased Speaking and Media Opportunities: Greater visibility can lead to invitations for speaking engagements or media appearances.
  7. Higher Perceived Value: Visibility often correlates with perceived expertise, potentially allowing you to charge premium rates.
  8. Faster Business Growth: Increased visibility can accelerate your business growth through more referrals and opportunities.
  9. Personal Development: The process of creating content and being visible pushes you to continually learn and improve.
  10. Broader Impact: Increased visibility allows you to reach and positively impact more people with your message and expertise.
Remember, consistency is key in implementing these strategies. Start with a few that resonate most with you and gradually incorporate others as you become more comfortable with being a Visible Leader.
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Suzanne Taylor-King
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