3d ago (edited) in WINS
Coaching Levels
I was working on my mastermind group for coaches and I decided to use ChatGPT to put my list of coaching skills worksheets and trainings in an order. It came up with coaching levels, similar to Rich Litvin's levels of coaches, BUT I like mine better because instead of focusing on the money you are making to determine your "level" it focuses on the skills you have.
I would love your thoughts and if you are a coach vote on your level, so I know where to start adding my massive vault of content and trainings!
Aspiring Coach Description: At this stage, you’re passionate about helping others but have little to no formal experience in coaching. You’re just starting to learn what it means to be a coach and how you can create impact. Skills Developed: Basic communication and listening skills Understanding the role of a coach Building confidence in guiding others
Foundational Coach Description: You’ve begun working with clients or practicing coaching, but you’re focused on building your core skills. You are learning to structure coaching sessions and create rapport with clients. Skills Developed: Basic coaching frameworks (e.g., GROW model) Developing active listening and powerful questioning skills Setting goals and action plans for clients
Emerging Coach Description: You’re gaining experience and beginning to see results with clients. You’re learning how to create tailored approaches for individual clients, understanding that coaching isn’t a one-size-fits-all. Skills Developed: Refining goal-setting and accountability strategies Adapting coaching styles to different client personalities Tracking progress and making adjustments during sessions
Proficient Coach Description: You’ve built a consistent client base and have a solid grasp of key coaching techniques. You’re starting to see patterns in client behavior and can navigate challenges more effectively. Skills Developed: Advanced goal-setting and feedback techniques Managing resistance and limiting beliefs in clients Effectively using tools and frameworks to support diverse client needs
Confident Coach Description: At this level, you’re confident in your ability to guide clients toward transformation. You can manage various challenges that arise and help clients gain deep clarity on their goals. Skills Developed: Building rapport quickly and deeply with clients Mastering intuitive questioning and reflection techniques Helping clients uncover core challenges and roadblocks
Strategic Coach Description: You’re now focused on refining your process and outcomes. You help clients achieve specific, measurable results, and your coaching sessions are structured and outcomes-driven. Skills Developed: Strategic planning and outcome-oriented coaching Integrating tools and assessments to measure client progress Deep understanding of client motivation and how to influence it
Advanced Coach Description: At this stage, you’re working with high-level clients and solving more complex issues. You can manage multiple dynamics within your coaching relationships and maintain high standards. Skills Developed: Handling complex client challenges with ease Managing emotional intelligence and helping clients navigate emotions Creating customized coaching programs for specific needs
Expert Coach Description: You’re recognized for your expertise and sought after for your coaching abilities. You’re capable of creating lasting transformations in your clients and are a thought leader in your niche. Skills Developed: Specializing in a niche or advanced area of coaching Mastering long-term coaching engagements and transformation Mentoring newer coaches and providing leadership within coaching communities
Master Coach Description: At this level, you have years of experience and have demonstrated mastery in all areas of coaching. You are highly skilled in creating transformational shifts and guiding clients to breakthroughs. Skills Developed: Advanced client transformation and coaching mastery Ability to coach leaders, executives, or high-level professionals Leading group coaching programs and coaching other coaches to success
Elite Coach (Coach of Coaches) Description: You have reached the pinnacle of coaching, where you are now coaching other experienced coaches and are seen as a top-tier expert in the industry. Your approach is holistic, and you’re innovating within the coaching profession. Skills Developed: Training and certifying coaches Leading mastermind groups or high-impact retreats Innovating and contributing to the evolution of the coaching profession
4 votes
Suzanne Taylor-King
Coaching Levels
Idea Lab for Entrepreneurs
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