Yes, I am telling you to do nothing.
Well, just eat nothing.
Already decades ago, the Russians were among the first to conduct studies of the effect of fasting. And, what they found was astonishing:
- Cancer cells decreased in 100% of the cases
- The effect of chemotherapy got reduced when fasting 24h before
- Anti-aging effects
- Better digestion
- Weight loss
- More energy
- ...the list goes on.
There are various ways to fast:
- Intermittent (16-18h)
- 24-72h
- Multiple days up to 2 weeks (some go longer)
If you'd like to go on a multiple day fast, it may even be best to do that in an environment with additional support. E.g. there are fasting clinics or retreats that help you deal with whatever comes up but also enable you to persist longer and really follow through with your goal.
I haven't yet made it beyond 24h. What's the longest you have fastest?