QnA answer
Are grappling dummies any good?
Short answer, no
There is a study I always reference from a book I read a long time ago
It’s called psycho-cybernetics by Maxwell maltz
In that study - there are 3 groups for practicing free throws.
  1. Did nothing at all
  2. Practiced physically
  3. Visually practiced in their mind, but did so perfectly with every shot going in
  1. Got 0% better
  2. Got 23% better
  3. Got 24% better
Based on this, I’d never bother with a grappling dummy, it’s simply a waste of time. It gives no legitimate reactions and will easily lead to poor habits being formed.
Much better to mentally rehearse perfect technique that will be applied later on in a proper learning environment
Than a poor exchange for the physical.
Either that or just train
Josh Saunders
QnA answer
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