A mindset I’ve been working with
You can be right, or you can win…
I’ve had more than 2000+ coaching conversations across multiple disciplines with a giant variance in results from person to person. Some utterly crush, some don’t even get started, some get a fart in the winds worth of progress.
The thing that actually stops most people is a preconceived notion of two varieties
  • Well this won’t work for me because of xyz, (I’m a special snowflake with special conditions that won’t allow me to progress.
  • Or I’ll try and see how it goes
Without fail, if these mindsets are maintained, zero gain is made. There is no conviction.
So when it gets tough, or it’s not obvious that it’s working, right before the breakthrough moment when progression explodes, they quit. Then start the next thing, same process rinse and repeat.
Instead of trying to see if it’ll work
Being passive
Trying to prove yourself right, about how you suck, you will stay like that, and this will be no different, no matter how good the process is.
Why not act with total and complete conviction
That if it worked for someone else, then it must work. If that’s true then I will MAKE it work for me too.
If it is physically possible, then I can do it.
If it has been done, then I can do it.
I will act as if it is going to work,
I will remove “try” from the equation because try implies failure.
There is either doing it
Or not.
Do you want to be right about yourself? And prove it, prove your limits, prove that it won’t work
Or do you want to win?
Do you want to make it work?
Do you want to overcome your limits and drop that useless chatter?
You cannot have both,
You must decide.
All in or all out.
Josh Saunders
A mindset I’ve been working with
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