Broadband Copper/Fiber or 5G Fixed Wireless in HomeTech Systems
Do you get involved with your client’s ISP choice?
What do you use at home?
Please answer the poll to give a fast easy response.
Have you or your clients tried 5G Fixed Wireless (Verizon-T-Mobile-AT&T, etc.)?
What has been your experience?
If it’s not positive, have the provider’s technicians (or yours) considered the building materials / construction modes may have affected signal strength and/or reliability?
What are the typical download/upload speeds that your clients expect/achieve by service type?
What consistent speeds do you deem necessary to support your systems functionality for both performance and reliability?
How much do your clients pay on average for those tiered speed levels?
How is the reliability/uptime in general?
Do your clients complain about it to you?
Is your network ever blamed for the issues?
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration!
Kindest regards,
Broadband Copper
Broadband Fiber
5G Fixed Wireless
2 votes
Loren Roetman
Broadband Copper/Fiber or 5G Fixed Wireless in HomeTech Systems
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