En av mine coacher, ja - klart jeg har coacher,
skrev dette.
Tror flere trenger å høre det:
When we’re deep in our feelings
Sometimes we might flail outwards in a panic and try to get someone to rescue us from our emotions and make it better
We can even go so far as getting mad at those who claim to love us
For NOT rescuing us and blame them for the way we feel
We do this because we do not trust ourselves to hold ourselves
And it’s a painful cycle
Because anyone who DOES attempt to rescue us
Is actually making our lives harder
And reinforcing this idea that we are not capable of holding ourselves
And everyone who stands lovingly by
Reminding us that we are strong enough to hold ourselves
Without trying to SAVE us from ourselves
Is doing us a massive act of loving kindness
Because they are giving us the space and room
To remember who we are
To remember how strong we are
To give us the opportunity to show ourselves
That we CAN hold ourselves
That we don’t need a hero
Because we ARE that hero
So my love, when you feel you are in need of being saved
Look in the mirror and remember who your savior is
You’ve got this.
You’re strong enough.
It’s going to be messy.
You are going to trip and fall a bunch of times and bring yourself crashing to the ground.
But each time you pick yourself up, and dust yourself off you are showing yourself what you are made of.
Stardust. Magic. An amazing indomitable spirit.
And it is GLORIOUS 💜🤩
Ps. This is not to say you shouldn’t ask for support. Asking safe people to hold space for you while you express your feelings or talk through your confusions is a loving way to hold yourself too.
Asking people to hold your hands as you unsteadily climb back to your feet is loving yourself enough to hold yourself.
As long as they do just that, and don’t move into telling you what you should do. 💜