0:00 Hi and welcome to the expert coach community. I'm so excited for you because this is a game changer This is going to be the best thing that you ever do now This community is purely to help you become a better coach and as part of that not only will you be learning from amazing coaches, right?
0:16 You will also be getting access to my expert coach certification that we have charged five grand plus the bonuses are a total ten grand for the actual certification which is a fully accredited program.
0:28 It takes over a year and we're giving you that completely for free and the reason being is because if you don't know my personal history is because i started all right in the coaching game because someone tried to you know someone saved my life i tried to jump out in front of a train when i was younger
0:43 so coaching saved my life and i hope that it can save you too my life changed when someone pulled me back i got into coaching as a client and then i just fell in love with the process and so we're at a stage in our business today that we want to bring as many people into the skill of coaching we want
0:59 to create a community that's purely about helping each other become better coaches because i really truly believe if you become a really good coach honestly you won't have issues with trying to grow your coaching business and so i started with just a couple of clients to thousands of clients because
1:15 i'm really good at coaching and you know i post online tony robins i'm coming for you obviously i learned from tony as well i'm sure you probably have too to a relatively short period of time i got put alongside the amazing tony robins and i got to speak alongside gary v russell bronson and grand cardo
1:30 because of the skill set that i have i was featured in forbes three times i got found on the success magazine there's nothing special about me it's the process right so i'm going to be giving you access when you join the community to the expert coach which has a true value of five thousand we've charged
1:46 that we still charge that it is qualified with the international authority for professional coaching and mentoring and the cbd which means that you get certified with two actual certifications you get certified as an expert qualified expert coach and through the cbd certification service as well there
2:02 are other companies online who charge five grand ten grand thirty seven thousand to certify you with the skill of coaching we've charged five grand pay in full that's real invoices if you go to our main website you can see that it's still selling right now 6k if paid in three but because you're watching
2:18 right this right now and these are hundreds of clients that have actually paid for it right we're going to give you access to how to do a breakthrough coaching session we've charged a grand for that and a one-to-one with myself when i'm taking you through that i've charged 500 for that you can put this
2:33 into any niche life coaching wealth coach relationship confidence spiritual healing business health you name it all niches work so you're getting access we normally do three months access five grand to the actual certification the coaching templates a thousand the breakthrough session with myself 500
2:49 plus full certifications too all right plus you're getting a community to support you which would normally charge a thousand plus one-to-one coaching plus we're not giving you three months we're giving you lifetime access which is a true value of nine thousand plus the bonuses which is priceless and
3:05 in lifetime it is worth ten thousand all right would it be worth ten thousand to become a better coach who could coach yourself not have those limitations get better i've got four step coaching process which is really simple how to diagnose your client's problem how to break the belief underneath the
3:20 problem that holds the problem in place that's why most people can't get amazing client results because they don't break the beliefs underneath that how to compound a step number three new habits so that it recreates new beliefs and then number four how do you compound on top of that so you hold them
3:36 accountable really simple steps it's worth 10,500 you guys get it for free welcome to the expert coach community i am super pumped that you're here
Mohamed Madhore
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