Want people to buy your product? Get this right
Inventive title I know 😎
They call me a master copywriter.
(Okay okay...to be fair no one calls me that)
But I do write copy for the biggest communities on skool and help them generate over $1M/month 🤓
If you're looking to build a big business on Skool....this is for you 🫵
Recently, I met someone who took everything I spent years learning about VSL's...
And condensed it...into one simple strategy.
I was talking to the other day, and he shared his public speaking journey and how he's brought that skill into Skool.
It's arguably one of the most important skills you can have to make money online 🚀
So I asked if he'd be down to come do a workshop in my community.
He said no.
He said heck yeahhhh 🤠
(he actually said "Okay sounds great!)
So buckle up, because next Monday we're doing a VSL Deep dive, so you can convert more people on your about page, get better leads, and make more MONEY
Patrice Moore
Want people to buy your product? Get this right
Word Masters
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