What if you could use AI to effectively hire Russel Brunson, Alex Hormozi, or Sam Ovens to build out your marketing system?
That'd be a game changer no?
All great people achieved new things by standing on the shoulders of those that had come before them.
Not by starting from scratch.
And turns out there’s a formula that each multi-million dollar funnel follows, like your grandma following her cookie recipe on christmas eve 🤶🎄
They’ve got it down to a science.
is going to be pulling back the curtain today to show us exactly how she's creating a million dollar funnel in a matter of months. She also just hit #1 on the skool leaderboard, and has done $80,000 in the Skool Games this month.
She'll show how she taps into the best ads, headlines, hooks, and email styles...to make their funnel world class in minutes using AI.
You can now model years of market testing from Alex Hormozi, Sam Ovens, and legends like Russel Brunson.
Want to see how?