Day 3 to $1000: Exciting Results🔥
It's been a short while since I lasted added to the log but for good reason:
College life is quite hard so I can't focus everyday on 3D Printing. Everyday that I do work on this challenge will be considered one day of the challenge.
Here's what has been happening: The local barbershop I have been going for the past couple of years bought the 3D Printed Dragon last Saturday and also paid ahead of time for a 3D Printed articulated dolphin and today I dropped it off.
While I was there, I discussed a potential idea of them selling some of my 3D Prints and they agreed to it. We settled on some keychains and Bottle openers with their logo and colors on it.
Now I am tasked on designing some samples and delivering it to them and see if they like it.
I'm curious:
What's your take on this?
Joseph Oprea
Day 3 to $1000: Exciting Results🔥
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