3 new clients, 1 came by way of phsycian referral for cranial sacral and 1 came by way of Google search for cranial and polarity and 1 came by client referral. All excite me! I have 1 final.project for my last class in Holistic Nutrition and I aced my final exam. looking forward to shamanic reiki this weekend and I found $40 cash at the races this last weekend. Doing my research for my online course so I KNOW WHO and WHERE to find them.
I had a previous contact respond to an email broadcast I sent out earlier in the month. We had a Clarity Call today to learn if she is a good fit for my programs. She wants to discuss things with her husband to make sure the monthly subscription fits into their budget. She agreed for me to follow up in 5 days. Regardless of whether she joins or not, I learned several things: 1) This former client of 5 years ago has not connected with me or responded to anything from me in 5 years YET she stayed in my world and has continued to pay attention to what I am doing. Right now, I have something that can solve her problem. She just has to commit. Or, when I follow-up I do have a step-down option for her! I didn't share it today because it's not the best option for her and I didn't want to confuse her with too many options. 2) I am proud of myself for letting my two programs speak for themselves and did not offer a discount. I'm done discounting what I do. I value myself and my time too much. 3) I've restructured my messaging and clarified my avatar - apparently that is starting to resonate 4) I restructured my Clarity Call so I could stay more focused. The call was 30 minutes shorter and I prequalified the lead to make sure they were a good fit for my programs. Lots of lessons learned in the past 2 weeks and the changes are helping me feel more confident regardless of the outcome.
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