Hello everyone, my name is Ashmal Lalani and I'm a senior at UTSA majoring in Kinesiology. I am aspiring to become a physical therapist, and I look forward to networking with you all as I get ready to apply for PT schools.
Hi, my name is Katie and I am currently a pharmacy technician pursuing a career in physical therapy. I would like to set my future self up for success by learning techniques to increase revenue streams and generate wealth!
Hi! My name is Carlee. I live and work in a small town in central Alabama. I’m an OT and have been practicing for 21 years. I began my career working for a rural hospital treating in a variety of settings including outpatient adults, peds, SNF, school system, and home health. I’ve been working exclusively in home health for a large home health company serving the geriatric population for the past 13 years. I work full time and I’m the primary breadwinner for our family of five. I’m hoping to learn how to start an online business and create other streams of income. I have no idea what that will look like, but I’m looking forward to learning and growing!
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