I feel grateful when others share their wins of the week with me. It's inspiring to see people achieving their goals and making progress towards their aspirations. This is precisely why I created this group in the first place - for collaboration and accountability. Sharing our successes and challenges with one another allows us to learn from each other, offer support and encouragement, and keep ourselves accountable to our goals. It's amazing to be a part of a community that values growth and progress and is committed to helping each other thrive. Shoutout to this weeks winners
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key