The world needs your IKIGAI
The world and your soul is calling you forward to be the best version of yourself!
This is an invitation for you here to participate so that we all can get to know each other better.
share your thoughts on this and answer the questions if you are inspire to:
What do you love?
Think about the things that bring you joy and make you come alive.
These are the passions that give you life.
What are you good at?
Consider the skills and talents you naturally have. These are the gifts you can share with the world.
What does the world need?
Reflect on the issues or needs that resonate with you. These are the places where you can make a real difference.
Think about how your passions and talents can provide value to others. This is your path to a fulfilling and sustainable livelihood.
all the best this weekend! βš‘πŸ™
Complete action
Gustavo Gil
The world needs your IKIGAI
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