Power Content Takeaways
I found the Power Content module useful for a few different reasons.
One of them being it allowed for me to put together a content launch plan for my next live training that takes place in mid Sept. It prompted me to be more up front about my offer instead of a bunch of value posts that are helpful but don't remind my potential customers of what I actually do and how to work with me.
Secondly, I like that it shared a few different templates on how to position an entire month of content. For me, I often find myself in a creative flow and will just want to knock the whole month's worth of content out within a few hours. I will consider implement some of these templates for the future.
All that to be said, I noticed that it mentions for action steps to reach out to 20-30 people per day.
Is this referring to cold reach out or continuing to follow up and nurture existing followers?
Personally, I try to comment on followers and friends of my followers especially through their stories and finding some common ground to build rapport. Then from there I typically get into asking more questions to qualify them if them seem like a good fit.
Any other thoughts or suggestion on the reaching out?
Patrick Smith
Power Content Takeaways
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