What's a childhood story you could post?
Happy Tuesday, LinkedIners!
As a prompt for today...
What's a childhood story that you could tell that exemplifies who you are?
Hmm...here are some of mine:
  • I had a Wizard of Oz themed bday when I was 3, and many themed bday parties after that. I always loved the creative details of event planning...now events is part of my job!
  • I grew up loving Harry Potter. My dad read all of the books out loud to me (and the 4th one twice!) and I think that reading growing up really informs my storytelling on LinkedIn.
  • My Summer Day Camp actually had a huge impact on me growing up! I think I always liked that there were so many options on the schedule (kind of like a conference) and maybe that's why I get so much out of conference season!
What would this Linkedin post look like for you? How can you connect it to your goals?
Cassie Moreno
What's a childhood story you could post?
GTM Creators
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