Hiring Playbook
Here's exactly how we do it:
  1. We create and publish a job listing on LinkedIn and any other relevant sites.
  2. We do NOT rely on the organic inbound applications. Instead, we do a combination of "boosting" the job post (e.g. paying LinkedIn to show it to relevant people) and we also do a lot of headhunting. The way we do our headhunting is by creating a bulletpoint list from most ideal candidate to least ideal (but still acceptable) candidate and internally call it our Layers of Desirability. A team member then runs cold outbound campaigns using a combination of manual and automated (Buzz.ai) steps. The very short description here that I would be happy to expand on in case anybody is curious is that we send targeted invites for relevant people to apply to the job post. This is a key step.
  3. Our top applicants are then shortlisted. We're currently testing a process where we drag-and-drop the CVs/resumes to a custom ChatGPT AI that has been "trained"/contextualized on what we are looking for in terms of cultural and technical fit. The GPT then sorts talent from most likely to succeed at the role and company to least likely based on the criteria we gave it. We don't over-rely on the AI but it definitely helps when we have 200+ applications to sort through.
  4. Next step is to schedule a short <20 minute meeting with the top talent. We cover various topics but the main ones are: - What stage of life are you in right now? What are you looking for? - How would you currently rank these motivators from most important to least important in your life at the moment and why? Freedom, Finances, Impact, Growth, and Stability. - What attracted to you to this role and company? - What have you liked the most and what have you liked the least about the companies that you were previously a part of? - Any questions for us?
  5. We then provide the talent with a brief <2 hour sample project for them to complete. The instructions are given to them on a Google Doc and it's the same sample project that all other applicants to this role are completing so we can standardize input vs output as much as possible. Think of it like a take-home test.
  6. By now we should have a very short list of top candidates based on cultural and technical fit screened at the resume, interview, and sample project level. If this is for a key full-time role, we may schedule additional interviews and loop in other stakeholders. Regardless, the next official step is to onboard for a 10-day paid trial period. During the trial period, the talent is completing real work and are also asked to take a few personality tests and share the results. We use Myers Briggs on the website 16Personalities, DISC and Enneagram on the website CrystalKnows, and finally StrenghtsFinder on High5Test. We want to make sure that what the talent gives and asks of the role is a solid and sustainable fit for what the role gives and asks of the talent.
  7. I'm a big believer that relationships are a two-way street. At the end of the 10 days, the talent is understandably considering whether or not to move forward with us based on our culture and line of work. We are also assessing if the technical and cultural fit is there. If it isn't lining up for either party, we wrap up our work together. If everybody is happy with the fit, we extend an ongoing offer.
I have a soft spot for people, hiring, and culture— I consider myself a student of the craft.
Please count me in to provide further details or support with these topics. More than happy to support you if I can! 🚀
Juan Campos
Hiring Playbook
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