What Is This About?
This is a community for YOU, this is to learn and grow. Trading can most times feel isolating and lonely, especially when surrounded with those who can't directly relate to the struggles, and successes that come with trading. This community solves that exact problem.
Share your strengths, and weaknesses, get help, and help others. Get the motivation you need from others who were where you were, and don't quit! Learn from others' mistakes, and let's help eachother build profitable habits while learning to let go of our selfish desires for money, pride, and ego.
You don't have to walk this journey alone. Surround yourself with other traders and watch your growth flourish. You are who you hang around, so hang around some traders for a change!
Joshua Charlot
What Is This About?
Growth Mindset Trading
If you’re looking for a welcoming community of traders looking to grow and help eachother with common problems, this is the place for you.
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