Are creatives more inclined to spiritual awakenings?
I’m intrigued to know, have you always been creative?
Connecting with artists and creatives inevitably leads to conversations regarding spiritual awakenings, experiences and higher frequencies. Why is this?
Is the left side, right side, brain debate connected to our frequencies? I have had the privilege of meeting incredibly logical, science driven individuals who have high frequencies and vast spiritual knowledge.
MC Escher, for example, was an incredibly logical man, who transferred his love of mathematical equations annd geomy into art. How? By observing. He started his artistic career drawing insects and plants, finally (and posthumously) succeeding in the art world with his geometric and symmetrical artwork. This is a man who surrounded himself with very unlike-minded friends and an acquaintances. I’ve attached a few of his best known works here.
Practise; observe 3 acquaintances you have the least traits in common with. Imagine stepping into their shoes first thing in the morning. How do they feel? What do they do? How do they think.
Take note (persons 1,2,3) of how creativity might manifest for them. Is it through peer influence? Logical problem solving? material goals?
Once you’ve jotted down a few thoughts, re read your work and doodle a small sketch in relation to this (stick men, mathematical equations, the view from their daily commute)
Give yourself 10 minutes max on the doodles.
I’ve included my doodles today here 😉
This practise slowly allows us to to harness not just our own waves or creativity, but to find the inspiration in those we may find mundane.
Let me know how this goes and we’ll follow up in our next conversation.
Grace Jordan
Are creatives more inclined to spiritual awakenings?
Grace’s Era
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