***Welcome to Goodbye Job***
Congratulations on making the decision to start an online business, whilst leveraging the security of your current job. Your online business will one day provide the financial freedom and wealth to support the life you and your family deserve. 🚀
Here you’ll learn how to not only start your first online business, but also how to attract customers and build leads!
It would be great to get to know you, please introduce yourself in the comments below by answering these questions;
  1. Where are you from?
  2. Which of these emojis matches how you feel about your current job right now? (😀 😐 🤔 😠)
  3. What do you feel is holding you back from starting your own online business right now?
Once your share your intro, say hello to one or two people in the comments.
Bradley Lay
***Welcome to Goodbye Job***
Goodbye Job with Bradley
Join fellow "quitters" to learn how to:
***Plan your Escape from the Office***
Launch your first online business and set your path to freedom.
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