What do YOU believe?
You don't need to have a "this is my hill and I'm going to die on it!" mentality with every single possible topic in your life.
There are enough parties trying to pull you in different directions on so many levels that it's overwhelming to start trying. Democrats vs Republicans, sports teams, business drama, and trouble with the schools.
And guess what? That's okay! You don't need to follow every topic and every person to decide if you need to adjust your entire belief system again for the third time this month.
Start with YOU!
What is important to you? and your family? Are you taken care of? Physically, financially, and spiritually? Take care of your priorities first! These are constant, and your opinion on them shouldn't be changing on a regular basis. Get your health in check, and stay on track. Get your income and budget set, and don't deviate. Do you know where you're going after life on Earth ends? No? It might be a good time to consider such things. I'd consider that to be a rather important topic worth spending some time on.
My family and I are homesteading, homeschooling, exercising every day, praying, and working hard, (but not too hard, ya know?). Is this the only solution? No, and frankly we've worked ridiculously hard to get to where we are now. We've had a narrow vision and we've tried to stay focused. We're not all the way there yet, but we're on the right track. There are other ways (your way) to accomplish your focus, and that's what you're after today.
Where do you go after this? After you and your immediate loved ones are headed in the right direction what should you believe? Politics? yes, you should vote, but I don't think you need to research every possible political topic and have a die-hard answer for it. You need to commit to what's important to you, and you probably don't have a lot of headspace left for other tasks.
Neighborhoods, local governments, state taxes, federal laws, etc. are constantly changing. Can you keep up with all of them? Yes, but at what cost?
This isn't an excuse to shirk your responsibilities, but I think it's rather easy today to forget who we are and get caught up in the social media storms about who said what and this state did that and this celebrity was thrown off another airline...
This makes me anxious just thinking about it!
Get your priorities straight, and don't let too much outside of that circle influence your every day.
Make today a good day!
Ray Jeffries
What do YOU believe?
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