I've been reading the book "Where Prayer Becomes Real" recently. It brings up some excellent points I thought I'd share this week.
Who do you pray to?
How do you pray?
Often time we expect God to only accept prayer from us after we've "figured it out". We try to fix ourselves before we pray. This isn't how it should be and this definitely isn't how God intended prayer to work. No where in the Bible is it suggested that we get rid of our anger first, or clear up the depression, or take care of our woes.
No, we should approach God with our honesty. Prayer is a time to get honest, not to get it right.
Like a close friend or a spouse, we can only expect to get closer to God by being more real with Him and spending more time with Him.
If you only spent one hour per week with your spouse, how would that go? If you only spoke to your spouse when you needed something urgent, what would that be like? Your conversation with God should be presented in a similar way!
What part of prayer have you struggled with?
Ray Jeffries
Resilient GOAT
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